5 VERY Simple Websites That Make Money (And How To Copy What They’re Doing)

Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]

Simple Websites That Make MoneyMany people think that in order to make good money online you need to have an amazing website & that you need to be some sort of programming guru or technical whizkid to actually build a website in the first place.

But nowadays, thanks to amazing improvements in technology that’s simply not true… And in order to prove it, I’m going to be listing 5 stupidly simple websites that make money online (and lots of it) right here in this blog post.

Plus, I’ll also be explaining exactly how each of the websites actually makes money & I’ll be showing you step-by-step how you too can build exactly the same type of website for yourself.

So if you’d like to see some examples of simple websites that make money online & learn how to make a simple website for yourself (that makes money!) without any cost, then be sure to stick around & read this post right through to the very end as it’ll contain everything you need to know.

5 Examples of Simple Websites That Make Money   |   How Do Websites Actually Make Money?   |   How Much Money Can a Website Make?   |   How To Build Your Own Simple Website For Free   |   The Bottom Line (And a Free Bonus!)

5 Examples of Simple Websites That Make Money

I know you’ll likely be eager to get straight into the meat & bones of this post so let’s dive right in & make a start by checking out the 5 stupidly simple websites that make money & seeing how they work.

Beginning with number 1 on the list (which is actually owned by a friend of mine)…

1. Football Snack Helmets

Football Snack HelmetsFootball Snack Helmets is a website that generates hundreds of dollars per day by doing nothing other than promoting (you guessed it) football snack helmets that are found on Amazon.

Jay, the owner, has simply created a page on his website for each of the NFL teams & on each of these pages, he promotes snack helmets as an affiliate, earning commissions from each one a visitor happens to purchase.

So if a visitor lands on the football snack helmets website & buys something as a result of clicking via one of the links, Jay earns a commission as a result.

And the website even began generating profits within just 30 days of being created.

But I know what you’re probably wondering… How do visitors get to the Football Snack Helmets website in the first place? Does he have to pay money for advertising?


The best part about this is that Jay doesn’t pay any advertising at all. Instead, he relies entirely on free traffic coming from search engines (such as Google, Yahoo & Bing).

You see, when you publish content online (like a page about an NFL team), search engines automatically detect it & list it within their results whenever somebody searches for something related to it.

So as an example, if you were to search for “football snack helmets” in Google, you’d see Jay’s website listed at the very top, as shown below:

Football Snack Helmets

And the same applies to all his pages about each of the individual teams, too.

So as people search for things related to the teams in Google, they come across his website & ultimately end up visiting it… Then if they make a purchase, Jay earns money.

Easy, right?

And the best part is that Jay has even created a free 4-week video training course explaining exactly how he built his website & took it from zero to profits in just a mere 30 days.

You can access his free online course right here if you’re interested in checking that out.

2. The Best Leaf Blowers

The Best Leaf Blowers Website ScreenshotThe Best Leaf Blowers is yet another stupidly simple website that makes money & I know that this website makes money because I was actually one of the people that bought something through it.

And when I made that purchase, the creator of it got paid a commission.

As the name suggests, the owner of it simply puts out information about leaf blowers. From reviews to buying advice, as well as “best of” lists to help you quickly see which leaf blowers provide the best bang for their buck.

And just like the Football Snack Helmets website, the creator of The Best Leaf Blowers website is also an Amazon affiliate, meaning that he’s earning commissions from Amazon as a result of people clicking via his website.

He also attracts people to his website in the same way too – by leveraging search engines such as Google, which is the exact way that I personally came across the site myself.

You see, I live against some woodland & as a result, in the autumn of each year a lot of leaves fall down into my garden… So I found myself wondering, would a leafblower help?

I did a bit of Googling & found out that you could actually buy “leaf vacuums”… But I wondered if they would work on wet leaves, so I searched “do leafblowers work on wet leaves”.

And that’s when I came across this blog post on The Best Leaf Blowers:

The Best Leaf Blowers Blog Post

So after figuring out that yes, leaf blowers can indeed work on wet leaves I decided to buy the one that was recommended, which will have meant that the creator of that site earned a commission from my purchase.

It also means that he’ll be earning commissions from all of the other people in the world who are doing the exact same thing… Even if he’s laying fast asleep in bed at the same.

And that’s one of the reasons that affiliate marketing is my top recommended way to make money with a simple website (because it can eventually provide you with a completely passive income).

3. Help With The Washing

Help With The Washing Website ScreenshotContaining tips such as “how to dry your clothes fast without a dryer“, this extremely basic website makes an absolute fortune, just by helping people with their washing.

And again, I can say that with 100% confidence because I was actually one of the visitors to the website that purchased something through the links & made the creator money.

You see, when I was living in an apartment with no tumble dryer, I was wondering if there was any better way to dry clothes aside from leaving them on a basic clothes-airer.

And whilst Googling, I came across their article entitled “The 6 Best Heated Clothes Airers”.

Naturally, I was pretty intrigued by the concept of a heated airer & so upon taking the advice offered by Help With The Washing, I decided to purchase the one they recommended on Amazon.

And if you take a look at their disclaimer below:

Help With The Washing Affiliate Disclaimer

You’ll realize that the moment I did that, the creator got paid.

So somebody out there is earning passive commissions from Amazon every single day just by helping people with simple tips on how to do their washing, ironing & drying.

Could it get any simpler?

I’m not sure it could.

4. Quiet Home Lab

Quiet Home LabOh wait, it turns out that it actually could get simpler! Somebody out there is literally making money (and lots of it) from a website that just suggests the quietest items.

And this is another website that I discovered whilst living in an apartment, too, because I often worked late & decided to look for a quiet computer keyword so as not to annoy the neighbour below.

But it’s not just quiet keyboards this website lists, it lists everything from quiet hairdryers right through to quiet cars – and it ranks at the top spot in Google for almost all of them.

This means that the creator of this particular website will be earning hundreds of dollars (potentially even thousands) every single day via his (or her) partnership with Amazon.

The process is simple…

People find the website -> they click a recommended link & purchase something -> the creator gets paid.

So the creator will now be generating an entirely passive income online just from having created some pages outlining what he (or she) believes to be the quietest options available.

And I’m sure you could do that too, right?

Well, why not give it a try? You can follow my step-by-step to create your own free money-making website right here.

5. Living More Working Less

Hey, guess what? My website right here makes money too… And I think you’ll agree, it’s SUPER simple, right?

All I do is write about ways to make money online that I discover through researching & from time to time advertisers pay me to have their products featured.

Plus, I also leverage affiliate links to products just like all of the other simple websites that make money in this list, too.

I myself am living proof that a simple website truly can make money – and the best part is that thanks to all of the free guides I’ve created, you can learn how to do exactly the same for yourself.

You don’t need to overcomplicate things & you certainly don’t need to be any sort of technical whizkid or “guru”. Providing you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, you too can make money with a simple website.

How Do Websites Actually Make Money?

There are actually many different ways that websites can make money (as outlined in this previous article I wrote), but in my opinion, the 2 most popular & easiest ways to make money are affiliate marketing & display advertising.

I’ll explain each in a little more detail below…

Display Advertising

Adding display advertising to a website is probably the easiest of all of the ways to make money from a website. It simply involves you placing advertisements on your website & getting paid from advertisers each time they’re viewed or clicked.

The more people you get visiting your site, the more money you stand to earn.

And it’s true that some people do earn a living from running nothing other than display advertising on their websites, but alongside display advertising, you can also participate in something called affiliate marketing (explained below) to earn even more money.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is my top-recommended method for earning money online because the earning potential is absolutely huge and yet it’s still relatively easy for absolutely anybody to do.

Affiliate marketing simply involves connecting people with the products that they’re looking for & getting paid commissions in return if they happen to click via your links & make a purchase.

So as an example, you could become an affiliate of Amazon (for free) which gives you the ability to promote any of the products found on their website via a special link which is unique to you.

If you share that link with somebody & they purchase something as a result of clicking through it, you’ll get paid.

Affiliate Marketing Explained

And there’s literally no limit on the amount that you can earn with affiliate marketing. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see affiliate marketers earning as much as 5-figures per month.

Some of the top affiliates even earn as much as 6-figures per month.

Crazy, I know… But what’s craziest is that it’s achievable for anybody providing you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen. Anybody can become successful at affiliate marketing.

You can learn how to get started with it in my free guide right here.

How Much Money Can a Website Make?

Honestly, there is no limit to how much a website can earn – & how much you can earn with your own website simply depends on how hard you’re willing to work at it.

The more visitors you get to your website, the more money you stand to be able to make.

But in order to give you an idea of what other people are achieving with their websites, here are some REAL success stories from website owners that I’ve gathered together:

How To Build Your Own Simple Website For Free

Interested in building your own simple website to make money but don’t know where to start?

No problem.

A while back I wrote a step-by-step guide explaining exactly how you can start your very own website for free & it also goes into explaining how you can begin making money from it too.

So if you’d like to take action & build your own website, feel free to check out my free guide here (and don’t worry you don’t need to enter an email or anything to access it – free really means free).

The Bottom Line (And a Free Bonus!)

The reality is that in order to make money online you don’t need to have a complicated website & you certainly don’t need to be a technical whizkid or some sort of “guru”.

Thanks to methods like affiliate marketing, it’s entirely possible to make BIG money from an extremely simple website (as I’ve hopefully highlighted in the examples on this page).

And thanks to the many free website builders that are available nowadays, you can literally create a website with just a few clicks of the mouse – there’s no need to worry about doing any “coding” or anything scary like that.

I mean sure, many years ago you did indeed have to be a technical whizkid in order to build websites… But that’s totally changed now (and if you check out my free step-by-step guide you’ll be able to see that first-hand for yourself).

The good news, however, is that if you are at all still worried then I’ve got a great free bonus for you to help you out.

You see, I’m a member of an affiliate marketing platform known as Wealthy Affiliate. They provide the tools, training & support that will help you to see great success.

Now, it’s free to join Wealthy Affiliate, but here’s the deal…

Wealthy Affiliate also offers a Premium membership, and if you join via my link & happen to go Premium then at no additional cost to you, I’ll get paid a commission.

So if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours…

If you join Wealthy Affiliate via my link & become a Premium member (which will give you access to everything on offer inside), then I’ll offer you my personal 1-on-1 help & support.

I’ve built MANY hugely profitable, yet stupidly simple websites over the years & I’ll personally help you to do exactly the same. I’ll show you what I’ve learned to help you fast-track your results & get off to a flying start.

So if that sounds good you can dive in & take advantage of the Premium membership here to lock-in that added bonus.

Or if you’d like to check it out for free first, not a problem, you can join as a free Starter member via this link here – and I’ll still be on hand ready to help as soon as you decide to upgrade.

But whatever you decide to do, hopefully, my post here has helped you see that yes, there are many simple websites that make money and you absolutely don’t need to be a “guru” to get a slice of the pie for yourself.

If, however, you’ve still got any questions then don’t hesitate to leave them below. As always I’ll answer them as quickly as I can. 🙂

About the Author:
Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]
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4 thoughts on “5 VERY Simple Websites That Make Money (And How To Copy What They’re Doing)”

  1. I have zero money to sign up for anything premium. My husband of 32 years passed away with no life insurance and the house we had been renting for 7 years, was sold 3 months later. I literally live in a pop-up camper in my daughters back yard in Michigan. Can I still learn enough money through affiliate marketing to generate some income, without the premium until I can afford it? I think I understand the gist of it. You post a link to a product you think is fantastic that’s sold by, Amazon for exp., then dinnertime clicks the link that takes them to the product on Amazon and if they buy it, you get a percentage. No storing or shipping products yourself? I’m going to check out your free stuff, but I need to start generating some small amount of income asap..

    • Yes, you can learn affiliate marketing without investment; but you cannot learn it “fast” without investment. Ultimately, paid tools/training are designed to help you get rolling faster. If you need income “asap”, then a job would be best as a stop-gap. It’s best to have a stable financial footing before looking into starting a business.


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