Millionaire Blueprint Review – Hmm I Don’t Think So!

Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]

Welcome to my Millionaire Blueprint review! According to the website the Millionaire Blueprint system is supposedly “100% Easy Cash Generating Software” worth $4,999 but to be honest it just looks like another supposedly “free” binary options system to me. As you’ve probably guessed I’m not an affiliate of this system & in this review I’ll be uncovering the truth about this system & finding out whether or not it actually lives up to it’s extremely bold claims.

If you tend to trade binary options then you’ll know that the “free” trading systems have built up an extremely bad reputation. Literally hundreds of them have launched just in the recent past few months alone and they’ve done nothing other than part people with their hard earned cash. They’ve become renowned for making false promises & preying on the vulnerable.

However the creators of these systems have cottoned on to this reputation that’s been arising they’ve started to come up with a sneaky tactic to try & get around it & regain peoples trust so that once again they can take their money. What they’re doing now is making out that the system isn’t actually free, but you just so happened have timed it right & landed on the page whilst they’re offering a free copy. Take a look at this screenshot I took of the Millionaire Blueprint’s website:

Free Button

Most people will come across this page & say “wow, bargain” thinking that they’re getting access to a $4,999 system for free. The truth is that it’s a lie, this system has never been $4,999 and it never will be – it’s all just a ploy to try & get you to believe that this system must be good since it costs so much.

So now you might be thinking well if the system is free then what have I got to to lose? Well whilst the video might make claims that the system is totally free of charge & no credit card will be required this isn’t true either. The second you enter your email address you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll be asked to sign up with their recommended broker and make a deposit of at least around $250 – that’s not what I call free.

This system appears to be nothing more than a hyped up “free” binary options system. It’ll most likely fool a few people but hopefully if you’re here reading this review then you’ll hold onto your cash & give it a miss… Unless you’re looking for the fastest way to lose your money that is.

Here is something that will prove to you that the claims made by this software aren’t true. I’m publishing this review on the 22nd of January 2015 and the Millionaire Blueprint website claims they’re only letting 30 people in. If that’s true then those spaces should be filled up within an hour, or a day at most so if you’re reading this review at a later date & they’re still accepting applications then guess what, that was a lie.

It doesn’t stop there either because there’s actually a timer on the front page which gives you only 10 minutes to activate your spot, however if you refresh the page then you’ll notice this counter resets so it’s clearly a dud that’s trying to rush you into entering your details & buying in.

Countdown Timer

This is nothing more than another “free” binary options trading system that’s been dressed up with a fancy website. I don’t know about you but personally I just wouldn’t be willing to trust a system with $250 that makes false statements right from the off. If the amount of spaces available is a lie then what’s stopping the testimonials from being a lie? And if the testimonials are a lie what’s stopping from the systems promises all being a lie?

It just looks like a tactic to try and entice you to deposit funds with the broker so that they can get paid a big fat commission.

Is Millionaire Blueprint a Scam?

The website may come across as being convincing but this is nothing more than another free binary options system that’s not going to do anything other than help you lose your money. These systems just don’t work, all they are is an attempt to give you confidence in trading to encourage you to deposit funds so that the creators can earn a nice big commission. It’s actually been proven that some of these systems have been created by the brokers themselves to try & increase custom, obviously those are the last people that are going to be wanting you to profit from your trades.

Binary option trading is truly risky business at the best of times and there’s no way any system can guarantee you profits from your trades, it’s simply impossible. In binary options there are very, very few people that actually manage to create sustainable profits & even again the majority of this is down to a long streak of luck. Most professional traders work with Forex or the stock exchange because at least with those there’s some degree of skill involved as opposed to leaving 95% to chance as you do with binary options.

My advice would be to stay away from this system, and other systems like it. I’d actually advise to stay away from binary options in general because like I say I see a lot more people losing money than I do winning money.

If you’re truly serious about creating an income online then you should look at getting into online marketing, that’s how most people create real sustainable incomes online. Rather than leaving things to chance you’re actually building up a skill and believe it or not it’s an awful lot easier to get into than you might think, especially with the amount of proven systems that are readily available these days.

I hope you enjoyed reading my review & I’d love it if you could take a minute to leave a comment below & share your thoughts – thank you!

About the Author:
Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]
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270 thoughts on “Millionaire Blueprint Review – Hmm I Don’t Think So!”

  1. I was rushed into creating an account but thankfully I didnt have the required $250 but I gave that man my 16 digit number on my debit card I dont know if I should create a new card cause now they have my card numbers

    • Hmmm… Personally I’d probably get a new card just in case, but I think it should be OK. I’d recommend always checking the amount before entering your card details otherwise they will try and pull the funds from your account & because you don’t have enough your bank will reject it resulting in you being charged a fee for going overdrawn.

      • Hi I’m so confused.
        Everything you guys are posting doesn’t make sense.

        I’m sure majority of you watch and read the news. I’m from London and I’ve seen someone make money of this millionnaire blueprint.

        Yes a lot of companies have bad names but think if you were to start your own business, how much would you need to invest? The real question is will there be profit involved because I’m not fussed about the sign up fee personally.

        I only say this is because I do not want to earn linear based income all my life.

        • Hi Kelly, you’re correct in the fact then when starting a business you’d need to make an investment, whether it be time or money.. However the point here is that the Millionaire Blueprint system does not work as promised. Any money you invest, you will lose, as highlighted by all of the other commenters on here who’ve tried this program and lost a lot of money.

      • Hi Dale I signed up for this but never put my bank details in. I put in my Number and email address though! Will this be a problem?

        • Hi “xx”… It depends what you define as a problem. You might get some unwanted emails & calls, but other than that you shouldn’t have much else to worry about.

          • Hi Dale,
            Like “XX” , I’ve signed up for this program but never put my bank details.
            The 250$ isn’t free. When I’ve entered they had just 7 spots left, that was on 18 february 2016 :))
            I’ve even got a call from them to explain what I have to do next.
            I’ve told them that I don’t have the money and I don’t want to work with them.
            My addvice is if something looks to good to be tru then you should know that isn’t real.

        • Next time try not to let haste get the better of you – it’s always wise to take time out and review an opportunity before diving in head first. You might be able to get your funds back, if you’re lucky but unfortunately it might not be easy. Firstly try contacting the company themselves and asking for a refund, if that doesn’t work then try going via your bank instead as they might be able to help you out.

        • Hi Dale. I think most of people lack the knowledge on how money gets generated or accumulated. People need to have a background of accounting and economic. For a scam to success it must pays some so they can recruit others. Either way the most people who comments good about the online money making sure scheme are actually regency especially of the system. You will see all races commenting good from different provinces or countries to make it real. We all want money but for the fact of putting 250 dollars to be guaranteed of over a million in 90 days that doesn’t make sense.

        • It’s true right this people keeps calling every day it’s like it did a sin of bringing a pork to the Mosque. It’s funny in got this type of scam called Binary option on the news24 mentioning that a South African stand up Commedian Trevor Noah has been getting million from it. So I decided to try it but only putting my email and phone number with my name and it soon redirected me to play store for an app. Funny the people who are calling me are from different countries at least is what they claim to be but forgetting to cover their track since the county code is for south Africa and other local landlines number with the different accent from around African countries. Bad thing is that the economy is going down now and then . When I convert the random in to the dollar it’s quite a lot of money

        • Hi Mike/Dale,

          I just read and accessed the site this morning (18/1/2017) and was also told that only 7 spots empty…..7 spots since Feb 18, 2016??? wonder why still empty!!!!

    • Millionair blue print is a scam just confirmed that the man responsible is not working for rboptions anymore. Do not join. I lost all. Video add is fals.

    • Kia ora
      My name is Tirisa Betham im so glad i checked out this scam and i appriciate warings, comments from others it helped me to make a wise discision dont do it people!!!!! please read and listen to others advise about this

      Thanks Dale for your input awesome

  2. Yeah! Don’t trust this at all!!!

    Before I came across this, (about 2 hours ago) I registered with them.

    Got a call from a woman named “michelle”

    She was all friendly at first. (Thank goodness I didn’t give any private info such as address) all she has is my email address and phone number.

    She said to me that I need to make a deposit of R500 or R1000 in order for them to send me the software to get started.

    Already I got a disliking in what she said, because I also read the word FREE!

    When I told her I don’t have the money to deposit, and that I was not aware of the fact that I have to pay them, so that they can pay me.

    She Immediately said to me “well then I am deleting your account” and HUNG UP! How rude!

    Thank you for this good insight.

      • Well I got a call from a “Ronny”, he wasn’t as rude as the callers you guys mentioned here.

        He was actually quite understanding when I said I don’t quite have the money know now because the minimum amount is way to high for me.

        The only thing is he sounded a bit like he was fishing for personal information.

    • I gave them my email address and received an email which contained numerous pages with all kinds of info. While reading those pages it became very clear to me that the system is nothing other than a scam which would put me up to lose a lot of money. I’m glad I read those pages and did not fall for the scam it clearly is.

    • the same happened to me and the website i went to didnt even tell me i had to pay $250 and my iphone stuffed so i close the website then my phone rang and i gave the my number and he said i didnt have enough funds so he said in returns thanks for wasting my time and hung up this company needs to be shut down.

  3. Hello ! Ilooked into this , i was contacted by a trader in hong kong who was very persistant , my phone died in the middle of the conversation. I looked into this and read up on it … I was bombarded with mails , today the phone rang and it was the seller again . I tried to explain that i did not want to continue , he would not let me speak and explain that my phone had died.. He then continued to call me the rudest words , telling ne i was a piece of shit and a lot worse ..mother F and some terrible words . He screamed at me and cursed .. Now if this had been a trust worthy company , NO ONE would have this man as a rep . Or broker …i was shocked .. Truly shocked ……i felt humiliated by his comments and attitude ….. It was truly disgusting , regards Bentley15

      • Thank you. Just in time to safe the cash I never had in the first place!
        One thing I have realised with their quick calls is so as to rush you into a haste decision, and they aren’t amused when you say you need to research more about the company. They disconnect you immediately.

          • Really, i came across the Millionaire Blueprint.. Eishhhh! Twas so annoying.

            That moment when i was asked to type in my credit card details. Lol, as in ‘full details’. I shut it down immediately.

            They have my email address and phone number though, but i think i can deal with them.

            All thanks to you Bro Dales.
            Would tha fallen for the trap
            Thanks man.
            Much love.

            Gladston Anthony.

  4. Thankfully I always look into these so called get rich quick work from home stuff and that is why I am here posting, I wish more people would do this before parting with hard earned cash.

  5. I’m quite shock that the government continue to allow criminals like this lot to scam people off their hard earned cash, i just don’t get it. Unless ofcourse the government are benefiting from it or they are part of it….kmt.

  6. Only ‘7 places’ left today 28th May 2015. Luckily my internet connection went as was about to sign up! Phew! Then i came across you when looking for the web-site. Thanx

  7. I came across this on the internet. Thought it was a great idea at first as my boyfriend is a genious with numbers so i filled in details of my email adress. Not long after, a guy named daniel tried his best to persuade me onto making the deposit. I had second thoughts and didnt want to do this as i thought this cant be trusted. I told him i want time to think. A week later daniel called me again and i told him i no longer wanted to take part. He still insisted and tried to persuade me. I said im not interested anymore and before i said thank you anyway he hung up. Also throughout the whole of the phone calls i could hear people at the background joking about and laughing. this is NOT professional and would never advise anyone to trust this. If this opportunity is once in a lifetime then they wouldnt try there best into making you pay the deposit.

  8. I’ve unfortunately signed up for this and was wondering if you know how I can cancel my account ? On the sign up page I stupidity put my card details.

    • Hey Sherie, just get in touch with the broker & inform them that you no longer wish to make a deposit… That’s if you haven’t already deposited of course because if you have then it could be much trickier to get your funds back.

  9. they have new tactics, they put today’s date as dead line, one you entered your email 10min to sign up, once sign up, fund your account. when I can’t find the minimum fund for the account I became auspicious…
    and found your review!
    thanks for sharing! (^_^)

  10. Thanks for the information. I was almost taken yet somehow still skeptical. I nearly parted with the money l don’t even have.

  11. Hi Dale. I have unfortunately and stupidly filled in the form as it said i had 10 minutes and it was the cut off date and only 7 spots left…i filled in the form and it was denied but i still got an email saying once i have funded my account i will be sent the kit. i have since changed my mind on this thing and im worried that at the end of the month they will just take the money out my account. i havent been contacted by anyone, but i want to cancel it. how do i do that? or is it going to just take the money every month? should i get a new card?

    • Have you tried getting in touch with them? That would be my first port of call. Tell them you want to cancel, and then if they happen to take any funds after you’ve done that get in touch with your bank & show them proof that you previously asked to cancel.

  12. Dear Dale,

    Thank you for the review. I have made the account about 10 minutes ago (12 June 2015). One guy immediately called me and told me that I need to deposit money so I can start. I asked how much is the minimum and he told me $250. So I thought that this is a scam and I don’t want that my money will just go like that. I told him that he can call back on Monday so I haven’t done any stupid thing. I won’t answer the call by then.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • No problem – I’m glad you decided to look for further information before buying into it otherwise you could have ended up losing your money. Thanks for your comment.

  13. I kept thinking about this whole stuff and can’t seem to place…they said 16june is the dead line..I tried signing up..oh yeah! I did I was asked to fill in some info in about 10 minutes..I was abt send when all thanks to nigeria’s netwrk I got displaced….tried to find the page and I came across u dale..thanks for the insight.they nearly got me there.

  14. I almost started filling their forms but decided to do a search on their website, and lo I stumbled on this site. Thanks Dale for this generous insight, u are far too kind

    • Hi Jonathan, as I mentioned in the review this system is nothing but hype. It’s created to ‘make you believe’ you can profit so that the creators can earn themselves a commission by getting you to deposit via their ‘recommended’ broker. Stay away.

  15. Me to,i was called from london,but i did not take up the phone…than i got a messaged from brussel to calle them bach i did not do this, will they erase my account to i hope so….

  16. Hello,

    Well Im here to share my experience of this scam, I have signed up for this Millionaire Blueprint but have not payed, on the basis that as you say on your review about it being free is totally nonsense, and another fact about there are limited space. Now if there was limited space why would they be holding my position if i have not payed in the first place which really and truly makes no sense. Another thing is i have emailed this millionaire blueprint giving them a piece of my mind and my concerns right but they have given me the same response 3 times now so that proves it is scam. I am expecting a call on monday and i cannot wait to give them a piece of my mind. On the email they said i can join when i do have the funds available to me but yet again they state that they limited spaces and paying customers jump the line right its common sense. But anyway don’t get me wrong at all the video they have up promoting this scam is very very convincing believe it or not because it convinced me but the thing is in life you should never go into something blind never soooo here is your heads up about this website, IT IS TOTAL BULL………

  17. I thought it was too good to be true,
    How can these people getaway with these scams, and are the people really earning thousands. Would love to work from home and earn a good wage any suggestions.

  18. Hi, I just bumped into the MB web and it’s soooo convincing at first. I guess the rest of the comments here have said what I’m about to say. But luckily I’m not the one who always have money, so I delayed them until tomorrow. I guessed I just ignore when they call me tomorrow…. sigh.

    Thanks for sharing the review ppl.

  19. Hi, this is so terrible and to think that there are such fraudsters in our own country. How do they sleep at night. Lying and Stealing from people is sinful. Most people who need money are under a lot of stress and can make impulsive decisions when something good comes up. How much worse can they feel.I was also going to ask my hubby for the money tomorrow. Anyway go well and God bless.

  20. I have just fell for this how too! Filled the form and someone rang who was very rude when I told them I didn’t have the money he then put the phone down. About 5 minutes later I got another call of someone else and when I told them I had already spoken to someone I wasn’t interested and to delete my account he started to say I will give you extra bonus’s and all that, luckily I never gave them any bank details

  21. Dale,if thats your photo up there,then you are really good looking.just had to say! Anyways,these scammers get too aggressive when you ignore them.i had a near bad experience.

    • Haha! *blushes*… Yes it is me, thank you! When you say “near” bad experience it sounds like you were able to avoid it… I sure hope so! Thanks for your comment 🙂

  22. Omg thank you very much I was literally moments away from signing up to this was just about to enter my bank details then thought I will check this out before doing that and I came across your review again thank you I’m I single woman with a child trying to better myself well this would have put me right in the **** again thank you x

  23. I just came across their advert and i was taken,i couldn’t wait to fill up the form.they also have people posting porsitive comments on their website,i decided to make further reserch before i sighn up with them,thanks for saving my hardly earned money Dale….

      • I havent deposited yet,but will do ASAP.The spots aint limited,its the server that can take the limited number of people.You all surely talk a lot.Lets hear from those who have deposited and only they can tell if this is scam.

  24. Nearly got caught yesterday, till I got to the page for bank details, and just there and then did I stop myself registering, Thank you so very much for the info and review, saved my bacon lol

  25. Hello I was just signing up to this millionaire blue print and received a call straight away from an American women who was very pleasant and convincing and made it all sound so true that I could be earning tonight! Until she asked me for a minimum deposit of €500! I told her I wanted to look more into this first and she was fine with this said she will send me more information and ring me back in a hour! I thought I better look into it more and came across this site which I’m so glad I did it’s so sad that scams like this happen I was so convinced this was not a scam i am heavily pregnant and have a 3 year old daughter with only my partner earning he works 6 days a week and long hours and we struggle I just wanted to help him and our family and this million air blueprint sounded perfect! I’m upset I now won’t be making any money but so glad I haven’t parted with my own that I really can’t afford to loose! Thank you for making vunrable people aware of these nasty people xx

  26. They’re becoming more clever now. I first received a call from Switzerland, when I didn’t pick up they called from a hidden number! By the time was already reading your article. Thank you for seconding what I was sure of!

  27. I was going to do this but thought it looked to good to be true so I just saw this and glad I didn’t put my card number in! I actually put my email and phone number in though which I hope won’t be a problem will it? I got a call from a 020 number which hung up straight away, I tried calling back and it didn’t even ring and picked up straight away and was just silence!

    • As long as you didn’t submit your bank details it won’t be a problem no, you might get a few calls or emails but that’ll be all – nothing to worry about 🙂

  28. Dear all, Dale,

    I am a 51 year old mom who has been unemployed for quite a while, just when i thought thinks got worse when my husband also lost his job last year and that we were starting to panicking because our unemployment ends in two months my husband of 49 years old dies.

    I don’t know the cause yet but you can only imagine in the situation I am at this time.

    There is nothing but depts and I am sad beyond belief trying to desperatly find an income or a job at the same time.

    I looked into the Millionaire Blueprint thing and felt the pressure from the person on the phone who called while I was still looking at their website. I cancelled as soon as I saw this blog.

    Do you know of anywhere that would not be a scam?



  29. Thanx again Dale, I signed in 30 minutes ago, when it starts asking about money, I thought of googling the site & came across this review, luckily I haven’t put my bank details only my email, had already got a phone call at this time of the night phew

  30. Hi Dale
    I saw the video last week and did fall for the whole FREE!!! So I put my number and email in to their website then asks for $250 (£161.00) that’s when I stopped! Then I got a call from a guy who was trying tr hard sell said I didn’t have the money in my bank account and he was really pushing for my details to try and make the payment I refused said I would prefer doing online just to get him off the phone. He was saying if I didn’t do it my Monday my spot will be taken up by someone else. Yet since the for a week I have been getting 5 calls aday which I have been ignoring. Then after reading this pages today I thought I would answer to see how they would try and talk to me when I said I wasn’t interested. He turned cocky and said I was wasting his time. I told him he was wasting my time calling me 5 times aday just before he hung up on me.

    • It’s certainly not what I would call free Alison! It wouldn’t be so bad if it actually worked as promised but believe me you may as well wave goodbye to any money you deposit into that system because unfortunately the chances are you’ll never see it again. Carry on ignoring the calls, binary trading isn’t something you want to be involved in (unless you’re looking for a way to lose money that is).

  31. Thank you Dale
    The review is really insighting
    I’m glad that I decided to invistegate about this system, one I saw the credits card information is required within rigesteration process.
    Thank you very much again.

  32. hi,,i filled up the form 20mins ago,,i do have 20€ in my account and they said 250$ minimum,,i dont know if they got my personal info because i put my cp number and address,,nobody called till now,,im so afraid that they will get my money if ever i deposit in my account,,

    • Since the payment they will try and take is more than the amount you have in your account it will most likely bounce anyway, but the bad news is that if it does it will result in a fee at your end. What I suggest you do is call your bank and let them know what’s going on, and see how they can help – they may be able to put a block on your account to prevent any funds being taken. Hope that helps.

  33. Just for a few minutes when I saw the Millionaire Blueprint, got tempted although from experience these things never work.
    When i searched for review and found your site,it`s like my eyes cleared again.
    Thanks so much for this.

  34. Hi Dale,
    I read the whole stuff and experience of other members and feeling extremely sorry what stupidity I did. I gave them my credit card 16 digit no. and made them to pull USD 2,500/-
    They have also sent me a document called declaration of deposit which they wanted me to sign and send them back. Its a wprd document which is sking for my authorization. They also wanted me to send them my passport copy and copy of both sides of my credit card.
    Luckly I didn’t send them those document but they have already claimed the money from their Bank. I got this confirmation from the phone banking pf my Bank.

    Pls. Advise me how to get my money back. I am feeling like killing myself (;

    • Unfortunately the majority of the brokers these guys work with make it very difficult for you to reclaim your funds. Instead of going through the brokers themselves and asking for a refund I suggest you try calling your bank – let your bank know that you didn’t authorise the payment(since as you say you didn’t actually fill in the form) & see what they can do. Hope it works out.

  35. I invest £ 170 since in four weeks which is more then $250 now in my account is only £3.25 do u think I will n someone else will trade with these guys ? I m extremely disappointed the way the tackle me

  36. Thanks Dale for exposing them!
    ALMOST was deceived by it but this thought came to mind: ‘when it sounds too good to be true it usually is’

    Surprised I am that Yahoo has it on their home page…

  37. Funny, I looked at this so called millionaire scheme, and read it with interest.
    Firstly I noticed their bad English and grammar.
    They have a live talk point, so I thought that I would talk with them via texting and discuss a few issues that I had. One main issue was what is $250 in UK sterling, it took awhile for an answer, also again not true English. I told him that I did not understand his reply, he took some while in replying, etc.
    So me being me, I asked if this was true or a scam?
    No response, (still had connection) I then typed “I thought so”, with no further contact from them.

  38. Hey Dale they almost got me man, i tryed to register in the 10 minute period but could not then i tryed again only to realise that the time was reset. HA ha i did,nt bother , two weeks after i came across your site thanks Dale you,re blessed man i,am sure you,ve helped alot of good people from getting scamed.

  39. Hey, I know you’ve already recieved lots of thank yous but I have to give you another one. I was about to give my email address but then the site looks so suspiscious plus I don’t know what that binary something is so I decided to search for reviews and stuffs. Good thing I came across your site. Thank you, Dale! ^_^

  40. Well its free so why not? Oh sorry its a 250 deposit and you will be a millionaire in 3 months lol.. Wow these scams are just so funny. The video will be taken off so be one of the last 7 idiots left to get your spot in the luxury lifestyle of living. Well maybe you will have more luck while sleeping but reality is people do and will keep investing and these scammers will keep taking. I must admit i was also taken but then needed my credit card to become a millionaire and i simply laughed.. They rang and i asked them to invest 500 from which i will refund 250 to start my millions rolling. I said i will need it by the end of the day so hurry up.. The silence said it all and i hung up saying dont waste my time. Well how can i get rich free if they dont pay me lol. Have a good day people and DO NOT fall for it. (Unless they offer you money upfront ofcorse)

    • As Ali says, be wary & don’t fall for it. There is one point I want to touch on from that comment though and that is regarding the last bit, “(Unless they offer you money upfront ofcorse)”. These systems have been known to offer bonuses where they’ll match your deposit, so if you deposit $1,000 they’ll put an additional $1,000 into your account. This draws a lot of people in, but in fact taking advantage of these bonuses is even worse because by accepting it you’re removing all rights to a refund (according to their terms & conditions) – so just watch out people! 🙂

  41. Hi Dale, It seem like this scam is still worming its ways into peoples lives.
    From London, I am so gutted that I was even thinking about it, but lucky for me, as I was trying to enter my name, telephone number and email, a prompt came up on the screen that “I have exceeded the maximum number of requests to the server”

    I know that there are no quick and easy ways to earn money, only through sheer hard grafting.

    Will have a look at your link 72 ways.. and see if I can help myself a little.

    Great to see that you respond to all comments too!!

    Thank you Dale (and I’ll second that about you being a cutie xx)

    • Hey Emma – thanks for your comment. Hopefully you can make some use of my list of 72 ways to make money, I’m sure there’s got to be something on there that will help you 🙂

      …and thanks *blushes* (heh).

  42. Good day sir dale.
    This was my experience . Last week i saw this video pup up on my screen. Review it and i was very interested with it. Ofcourse based on what ive seen on, I was convinced to try. So. I filled up their registration with my email and a password. They direct mee to their site. Fill up all my personal information. I also put my my 16digit credit card no. And the worst is i deposited 500$ to it. Well ofcourse i was worried about my money. It was was my savings from my job. But i said ill try to invest on it. Then a woman call me from london. Confirming my deposits., but we cant understand each other because of the phone signal i had. They send me an email requesting for my id, , passport., my credit card.

    They instructed me to cover my card no. Only the last 4digit will be shown also with my cw was coverd from the back page. Aftr that i when i am openin my acount to thier brooker which is imperial options.i cannot, open it.again and again. Then thats the time i was so worried.

    The next day i. Call my bank and they already deducted it to my account. They suggested me to call my merchat if i wish to cancell my transaction.

    At that same day late afternoon they send me an email. That my account is now activated with thier new given password. Yes it was now ok. I saw my account with my 500$ on it. I activate thier blueprint robot. And it trades my money automatically.
    The next day view my account. I already lost 175 of it. So i decided to trade manually to this binary option. It was good at first. I came up upto 600$ that they. But the next day was exhausted. I win, i loss. Most of the time i loss. Now i have. 39cents in my account and waiting for the next expiry date for my last chance of winning 150$ this july 31..
    But after this i guess i will not deposit again. This type of business is to risky for me.
    Bad for me.ive just read your blogs.
    Just charge to my experience

    Best regards,

    • Jaque, binary trading is very risky indeed – I always strongly advise against it. It is “possible” to make profit, but very rare, and as you’ve shown when you’re in profit you simply want to keep trading to make even more which eventually just causes losses again. It’s a slippery slope! I’m glad to hear that you won’t be doing it again in the future 🙂

  43. I just registered 10 minute ago at MB. And then i got a call from australia and a guy who calling was friendly and nice at the beginning then he started to ask about my occupation and stuff. Later he ask me about my card details. And thank god i did not made any payment (250 for broker??!!). So i ask him to call me again tomrrw. But i really concern bcus they got my card details. Would be okay if i just do nothing to my card?

    • If you’ve handed over your card details then chances are they’ll still process the payment. My advice would be to call them back up, politely say that you inquired about joining up the previous day but where unsure whether or not your payment went through. If they say no, great – but if they say yes then you’ll need to contact your bank to see what you should do. Of course whatever you do make sure you don’t give any further details when you ring up this time, just use it as an opportunity to find out if they already took payment.

  44. I was unfortunately not as lucky as many of the commentors before. I’m a South African, single mum of three, living with my mum. I signed up. Feel for the thing hookine and almo sinker.

    I didn’t have the full.$250. I only had 215, translated into rand R2900. Anr me that’s a lot of money.

    After reading all the comments I feel stupid. All I wanted was to make some extra money and to better my and my children’s living situation.

    (-_-). I haven’t been this depressed in a while.

    Just one more loss. And my mom’s never gonna let me hear the end of this. Or live it down. That’s happens when one is forced to move back home after a divorce.

  45. Hey there! Today i tried and signed up and got a call from someone in UK, i made the guy wait 10 mins so i can check on everything. The moment i told him i want more time to decided, he got pissed off saying that he is giving his time by calling me and i wasted his time. Well i think if he was more of a gentleman and actually cared i would have diposet and thank god i didn’t

    That’s a good lesson to stay away from these sh***y systems

  46. Hey 🙂
    I’m Nadia from Malaysia. I registered few minutes ago because I read few reviews from people in my country that they got few hundreds and thousands of RM with this system. And after I successfully registered, an unknown number called me right away and asked few details about me. Then she asked about my 16 digit number on my Visa card. I hung up without second thought hahaha then she called me again 2 times but I didn’t pick up.

  47. i found myself on this website through a search every other comment on this site the MB is so convincing but for me too good to be true.after complete registration one lady from Britannia called me for my card details that i had to make a minimum deposits of then i never had a visas card so i applied for one but it was delayed.this woman keep calling me and when i told her i don’t have my visa card yet she gave me option B for me to make a bank to bank transfer of USD 500 this time.i tried to called my bank for a transfer and thank God they said they don’t do international bank to bank transfer.the lady has not ceased from calling and from the way she kept calling i had a strange feeling and wrote her that i needed some clarity but she ignored the question and insisted i make the transfer.from that moment i was skeptical and decided to make some findings and here i am.USD500 is 305000frs in Cameroon.that’s a lot whole of money.thanks for you have clarified me.

  48. Read some ‘reviews’ from people in the UK who had said they had joined this millionaire blueprint scheme four weeks ago and just got their first cheques between £500 – £600. That’s a long way from the Millionaire in three months that they claim – even accounting for the exchange rate.

    I followed the link on that page and after suffering about 2/3rds of the video without hearing anything about what you have to do or invest to make these riches I was beyond suspicious and googled the site and found this one.

    My suspicions were confirmed. I don’t have a clue what binary trading is and have just as much idea about any other kind of trading so will keep my small amount of spare cash in the bank.

  49. Hei Dale.this MB people so quick to call.I got their link on my facebook page.I fill the form to soon as write my fone number,bt I only unswer with hello,the guy try was thanking for registerd.I just hangup,he call again bt just ignore the am stress nw that I gave them my fone number an email.nothing more thou.thanks.

  50. Thankyou so much for your insight. I have their webpage opened on another tab right now…thought I would look for reviews about them on this tab and found you. I left the clock running and just checked back and it reset to 60 minutes! I am so glad you took the time to check them out and allowed others to comment on here. Thankyou for saving us our money.

  51. I also read it online and was about to join but I wasn’t sure thanx for sharing dale you helping many people this criminal should be caught and be arrested

  52. I was having lunch at a restaurant when I browsed upon this millionaire blueprint , the offer is tempting I was signing in when I reached the part should fund $200 in my account then I became skeptical , by instinct I deleted the information that I type , when I got home I decided to Google search and came across your page , thank you for sharing hard earned money might have gone into the drain

  53. Hi Dale, just in time when I was going to pay, read your reviews, changed mind, got a call next minute, explained that cheat I don’t have money, he said u didn’t put expiry date. I replied I don’t have $200, don’t worry about this. He tried to lure like I am about to sent you software u can make lot of money. I said just ignore it & hanged up.
    Tons of thanx for saving my day.
    God bless u with name, fame & wealth.

  54. Dale,you are just a genius, I have been on this fake millblueprint for the past two weeks and they keep calling me to make a payment,I am just waiting for their next call to cancel the transaction, have just saved a lot of us here,thanks

  55. Thank you! You have just saved me some money. The scheme is being peddled on the www sites of some mainstream UK newspapers – usually with the tag – “see how some young guy makes £3000 per week from home” etc etc. I followed the link and guess what – I could sign up today only for free. I went to the site and the countdown timer was there just as you said. I filled out the form and was just using my credit card to deposit some money. I selected 100 and it was rejected as the minimum was 250. That was their big mistake. It made me pause and common sense prevailed and I did a google search to see what others had to say about it. I found your review. Thank you.

  56. Hi Dale, I really enjoyed reading on your review! I came across it shortly before opening an account at them.. I was a little bit curious about it and wanted to know more. I would normally never trust such as “reach-quick-money-system” and I also didn’t believe all their statements about guaranteed money, having the limited time for free registration for it etc… but after reading an article about a woman from the same town where I live (Prague) how is she earning so much money with it and also after reading all these positive comments on another article, I was a little bit tempted to try it. Thankfully I found your review before I started:-) Thanks a lot!

  57. hi i was called just **** about that company and it is an ooutsource call from probably india, The caller sounds like indian ,+442037735057 he is very encouraging but i was skeptical about the company since i have to spend $250 with the company i didn’t even know about so I decided to make a background check about it and i saw this. Is it really a Scam? i saw their Persuasive video so i tried to create an account but never completed it in the card transaction is this company for real?

  58. Hi, I have registered and a women from UK called me immediately. She was asking me some questions about my life and told me to bank in 250 deposit. Out of desperation, i gave my card details as she asked and i am now afraid about the consequences. She has almost every details about my card now including the 16 digit and the security code. I think I have made a terrible mistake. I am afraid to deposit money into this card anymore. What should i do? And is there any possible way that i can get my 250 deposit money back ?

    • Hi Brendan, if she has your card details then she’ll most likely be able to take payment, and unfortunately there generally isn’t anything you can do about it until it actually gets taken. My advice would be to call her back and ask her not to take payment, ask her to send confirmation in writing (to your email). If they then proceed to take payment anyway you could get onto your bank & show them the proof that you requested for it not to be taken and hopefully they can sort it out for you. Best of luck 🙂

  59. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. LoL
    I am a very inquistive person and the type that like to make my full research before venturing into any online business to check for their reputation and credibility. The millionares blueprint page just popped up on my laptop promising free money and i just found it unbelievable because there is no such thing as “free money”, Money doesnt grow on trees?!!!. Anyways i did some research on them and found your site. Am happy I didnt fall for these perpetrators of scam. I only entered my email ad and phone number but told myself “if they ask for my card details, then thats a No No for me”. As at when the verification mail came in i had begun reading your post. Thanks a mill.

  60. Hi, I saw this link on a Facebook article and was inquisitive as I currently work from home as I’m a single mum to 3 kids, so thought this could be some additional income. However I am super skeptical and before even clicking the link, googled it and found you, hallelujah! You confirmed my suspicions but raised another question which I hope you may be able to answer. I had never heard of binary trading before reading your site, but it reminded me of an App I downloaded called CopyOp, where you can copy other traders. This ap seems pretty legit, but you must deposit a minimum of £250, which is not just change, but I thought that I might save up and try and make some cash via this ap. Have you heard of this and does it fall into the same category as these scam binary trades?

  61. I’ve made an account and I have put my credit card number but it is showing me credit card error , I don’t know if they took money or not

  62. Thanks brother
    And thanks to god that i didnt heard phone ring in the morning … i was 100% sure to do that and i was suposed to lose my money to. I contact them and they dodnt replu to me so i search of this is true but nope .. thanks brother …thanks that u save my money

  63. Hi i found mb this morning while looking at some other stuff on facebook i found a couple of things didnt add up in video but still thought it sounded legit even though fast money or if it sounds unbelievable it normaly is, got hooked and added email and phone number as time was running out but thats as far as i went decided to do research and found this page. So thankyou you have saved me heaps and by the looks at other people on here you have saved a lot of people hard earned money and probably most important heartache so thankyou for your time and support to so many people

  64. I came across the short video this morning. Initially it sounded too good to be true but it was really convincing. I filled all my details and immediately recieved a call. I was stupid to give the guy my debit card details but the payment didnt go through because i only had about £120 in the account.
    I am really worried now and hoping they would not go back to visit the account. Its weekend, I have been unable to reach Barclays bank! to stop any further transaction on my account by the rogues

  65. Hi Dale,
    You have just saved me a huge financial embarrassment!!! I gave all my bank details but fortunately I didn’t have enough to cover the 165pds requested.
    Called my banks fraud team this morning and they have cancelled my card. I was advised to keep an eye on my bank statement and contact the bank immediately if they are any strange transaction. This scammers made two attempts at getting the money out. The bank confirmed to that I have not been charged and the transactions were declined. phew!

    • Hi Sebastine, I’m glad to hear that you managed to keep hold of your money. The bottom line is though that whilst the internet is a great tool for building an income there are no systems that will do it all for you on total auto-pilot. A genuine opportunity is going to require that you do at least “some” work, so if something claims otherwise I’d be skeptical. Sure there are systems out there that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you (like the one I use), but unfortunately nothing where you can simply push a button & get rich as advertised in the MB system.

      • Hahaha, ‘millionaire blueprint my foot’. These guys are scam. When I registered, a rep called me and I told him i needed time to think and read about the company and binary trading. He (the rep) tried to rush me and told me I had 24 hours to make the decision otherwise I will have to pay for the software i.e. $250 + software cost, if 24 hours lapses and I do not activate my account by paying $250. Then I responded and told him ‘paying for the software should not be a much of a concern to anyone, if their claim of making me a millionaire in 3 months is true’. To summarise, I did not pay and 10 days later they are still calling me… hahaha.


        • Haha yep, it’s always best to research any opportunity before diving in head first however unfortunately you’d be surprised at just how few actually do. Thankfully though you did, and as a result you managed to hold onto your cash 🙂

  66. haha luckily I just read all this ive just had a guy on phone, I played him at his own game gave fake bankdetails and all then when he couldn’t take money and informs me put him on loud speaker tellin him I was with the police and their tracing his call hung up soooo fast hahaha.

  67. Hi Dale
    Thanks for exposing the scamming Millionaire Blueprint.
    Unfortunately, I fell for the scam and gave my debit card details.
    The website showed a deposit of $250 but they took £250 from my account. I rushed to my bank one hour later to stop the payment but they said it had already gone through. I didn’t activate the link to the software and asked for a refund, having read their risk statement. Surprisingly, their support email address bounced back my request. I got a call from a broker in the afternoon. I asked him for a refund but he said he can’t help me with a refund. He was trying to get me to set up an appointment with some broker, which I declined. I’ve learnt my lesson and will always check out complaints about offers like this, before jumping in.

  68. Hi. I registered for Millionaire Blueprint about month ago. I just put my name phone number and email. Next day or the same day guy called and congratulate me with the registration. He then asked me few questions. And then asked for deposit. He also told me that minimum is $250. So I said I need to think about it. Then he hang up the phone without saying anything else. That was rude. After the call I saved his number named Millionaire Blueprint so when they started calling me next day I didn’t answer the phone. They called like 10 times a day everyday for a week or two until I got really annoyed I answer them and said why are they calling me everyday? The girl was saying that there might be some other brokers from the company calling or even other companies. I said I have the number saved and how it can be same number from different companies? She still tried to convince me to deposit. Like if I deposit 250 the minimum I could start trading is 25. She asked me several questions and then she asked me what tope of card I want to use. I said what you want me to give you my card details now. She said she will guide me through the program. I said I have to think about. She was really pushy and I said that to her but she still tried to convince me to deposit and I will be rich really soon. She couldn’t understand what I need to think about or if I need to get some reviews. Anyway she hang up after 20 min and then I didn’t answered to her again. Was just looking for people reviews on Google and came across this page. Cleared my mind even though I wasn’t thinking to deposit as they were too pushy. Hope no one else will fall to their traps.

  69. Hi Dale,

    I came across this website and had registered my name, as well as (sadly) my phone number. And shortly after I was requested to put my credit card information. I was suspicious, because it requested the CCV number, which was the 3 digit number on the card, which actually must not provided to anyone. Thus I decided not to continue and closed the registration window. Then the call came few hours later. The conversation proved that this millionaire website is a scam, as the operator insisted to get my credit card data. I regret for being so stupid by registering in that website. Now I will be haunted by the calls. Glad that I look for more information and stumbled in your website, thus I got more information. Thanks again and good luck.


  70. I would be the case of scam from Millionaire Blueprint. I came across the internet and registered for Millionaire Blueprint about a month ago. I just put my name phone number and email but did not enter my CC number. Next day a guy from Zurich called and congratulated me to provide him my CC number after asking me few questions. I said my card was expried and I need to make a new one. He said he was giving me his time or else…. after 10 min or more he hung up the phone.

    Since then, every week I got a call or two from UK, Germany, India, Cambodia… but I ignored all since I knew they would do the same to get my card number….. Today I came across this site and found that MB is totally a scam…

    Thaank Dale for this.


  71. I was lyaing on the bed yesterday night i saw this artical and I really was about to open the account , i started to singh up ,some seconds later a call came which i riceived from a man,i asked him for minimum balnce to open the account he said its 3500 hkd, my wollet was into the poket of my jens so i was a little lazy to take that and i said i want to open d account tomorrow morning and he get off! Now im about open to account, before opening i want to cheak the fitbacks ! Thanks god ! My money saved !

  72. I just got called n he asked my data n finally come to the credit card but i said i have no credit card n just local indonesia bank debit card then he asked me the card number n i gave it then he asked again vcn n i was already suspicious n gave the wrong one n luckily he said my debit card is not open yet for international transactions so he asked me to sign it to my bank acount i said ok ill go tomorrow but finding what u posted im so lucky my debit card isnt open yet n i wont continue this piece of rubbish hahaha thanks man

  73. thank you i got a call this morning like 5 minutes after registering told the guy i had to go to a meeting and he should call me back in an hour time…. i first decided ton do research on them and boom i am here, when he calls back i am going to cancel my registration with them…..


  74. I try but my bank accout ignor transaction they call me and ask me my visa number and they try too they didnt get what they want and they tell me to call my bank and tell them to alow internal transaction thanks for the information

  75. I don’t believe in thing like that… I lost a lot of money on “Binary Matrix Pro”, “Millionaire society”……. They give you fake signals just to deposit cash, and get commisions….

  76. Hi Dale.. I’ve registered.. and i’ve put my bank details, and my address… I didn’t pay the fees.. I’ve called them to cancel it and they said ‘ok’.. So, are they gonna take my money in my account monthly? What should i do?

  77. I was also called thru phone..and honestly..i never think much..i already give my creditcard number and ccv..but unfortunately..the card was zero bals..hes asking me if i have other cards i told him i dont have..will he can get a money in my credit card once i made payments on it…

  78. Hi Dale, I saw this last summer apparently there where only 10 places left and then came across it again on the
    3rd Jan 2016 same ten places left, same ten minutes to complete the details. This is a scam people if you don’t want your money give it charity not charlatans

  79. Hi Dale, you are an angel sent by God!
    Seen all the reviews and glad that you hv saved all their monies.

    Because of the righteousness, may our Good Lord bless you and your family abundantly.

    • I was almst conned by ths fellas but i did nt go their way! Bt they are so persistent whn calling bt i restrained from giving thm my visa card no.! Bt thy are still calling; thanks to you guys because i cant wait for th nxt call to shut thm down

  80. Hi Dale
    I just registered with this scam, but I didn’t give my credit card nr but then a guy named Steve phoned me and I told him that I don’t have the money to make a deposit, but I will get back to him , he then said if I give him my credit card nr he will safe me a spot for the end of the month, but I told him that my husband has my credit card, but the nice thing is that when he phoned the true caller app showed that it is a loan scam nr. So please don’t fall for this easy money making thing.

  81. Hi Dale, actually i had gave them my bank card information. the card expired date, the card number and the 3 digits number behind the card. unfortunate for them because the account does not have any money. what should i do for secure my account if i wanted to use it back?

  82. A few years ago I would have fallen for this. Just for anyone who happens to be reading this, stay away from all these money making systems that promise lots of money while you do little work. Think about it, even their website is poorly designed. Why havent they made millions if they’re promising it to others? And if they have, they cant invest in their own website? (I’m a web developer by day). So don’t put any money into these guys pockets, or any other scheme that promises you lots of money. Nobody has ever got rich doing that. The people who create the scams may get rich, illegally of course. But I’ve yet to hear a story from a trustworthy person, who genuinely made millions from buying into a scheme like this. It doesn’t happen. You’ll make more money setting up a lemonade stand outside your house.

  83. Hi, i read in the comments from juin 2015 that they have told they have only 7 places left, well guess what they still have those 7 places available which can easilly proove that this mb is a scam
    Thank u so much dare for this article, u have saved lot of people’s money including mine. Next time they call i will tell them i am not interested anymore

  84. Got this from a site and I thought I should share it.

    February 11, 2016 at pm Greetings.Most of the above analysis is correct. However, I can add my experiences.Millionaire Blueprint says you must use their brokers. After signing up, I deposited the minimum$250. Shortly after,i get a call from my broker from Imperial Options who tries to get me to invest $1000. I refused because I told the broker I didn’t have it, plus Ialso wanted to give the system a trial run first. He said before I can trade, theymust verify my account. He asked me to provide my fullcredit card number, expiration date and ccv number. I told him I didn’t want to give all that sensitive info but he told me that I could not have myaccount verified unless I did that. So I gave it to him. The next day I look at my bank statement and see three charges for $250. I get very angry and email 8-9 times to their customer service department, but they refuse to return the two unauthorized charges. After two different brokers call me to see how it’s going,I complaint about thetwo unauthorized charges to my debit card. They say they will look into it, but nothing happens. I now am submitting a complaint with my bank to get the money back. I wrote Millionaires Blueprint customer service, but they just refer me to Internet Options. Stay away from these scamming companies. Millionaires Blueprint claim 95% success rate in trading thatwill quickly grow to over 1 million dollars. This is not true. I am below my initial investment and hope to getmy initial deposit back before I close my acct. Veryunscrupulous brokers and companies. Avoid them both.Do not trust their words or their testamonials. They must be paid to lie.Good luck.

  85. Hi Dale,

    I almost believe on that video they show I had put my email add on the box but then my instinct told me to check first if it is a scam or not. Thanks to you! You made it more clear.

  86. Thank you sooo much for your review. I am in a very tight place financially having just had surgery which left me out of work for 4 months. Almost signed up for this scam till I read your review. Worst thing was that I was checking another scam the Aussie method when the revieweer recommended this millionaire blue print. Decided to check it out and stumbled across your review. So, that’s my money safe, thank God. You mention good online marketing. Any suggestions on where I should try and build up skills? Cheers mate

  87. Hi Dale. Luckily i didnt go much more into their site, i just put my name and mobile number, no credit card number, certain guy called within 5 mins and asked for my credit card number. I didnt give it of course and hung up.
    Is my bank account safe now, they got nothing just my mobile number ???

  88. Free indeed… The next thing after i put in my email and contact details, these goons ask me for cash. Mhen! The whole video almost 30 minutes long, this guy whatever his name was didnt talk about deposits of any kind and promised this was entirely free but here they are asking for cash. Anyway i would agree with them on the deposit of cash because you need to invest so you can make more money unless its a lottery but i lost interest when i started getting emails from some different people saying i have been assigned to them Yet in the video this guy said he will asign the each of the “7 people” he wanted… Hahaha… to one person in his super team. This started becoming fishy! I dont actually believe in making $7000+ in less than five minute with a $250 investment just beacuse i clicked a certain button to refresh my account. God!! these guys looked like actors better than some hollywood actors. These guy should employ their skill somewhere else like in acting movies coz they would would make better money other than preying on vulnerable people trying to live on hard earned money. Thanks

  89. People’s comments are funny and sad at the same time, i’m from South Africa and I’ve never heard of “3month millionaires made by MB”. These guys a serial crooks and I just hope that they get struck by lighting (yeah I said it…) Anyways, thanks for sharing…

  90. Hi Dale,
    Thanks for the insight.Are there any legit binary options companies that you would recommend?Am really in a bad situation,and I need to raise $150,000 in 60 days.My life depends on it.Please advice me.

  91. Hi there, I just looked into this review this day, March 08, 2016 and I am so happy I came upon this, I was almost ready to “try my luck” to be a member of millionaire blueprint. Luckily, I tried to find reviews of whether this is a scam or not thank you for giving an in-depth detail in your review, I also read the comments which gave me more reasons to not continue with my initial plan. More power to you and your website!

  92. Hey Dale.
    Glad I came across this before going any further, I got bored with the video half way thru as was sooooo long & decided to research. Today is 12th March 2016 and still “only 7 places left” All you say is spot on so thank you very much for your info. Saved me time & money and lessons learnt.
    Nothing in life is truly FREE!
    Everyone reading this, please stay away from it & others scams like it, don’t give any details. Hope most have the sense to research first like I do, always worth it, just put the name of company or website in Google and ask whether a scam or not and you will come across many pages advising you of the truth, like this one 🙂
    Thanks Dale, your a star!
    Best Wishes & Kind Regards.

      • Hi big strong Dale I put over 5 grand in my account at one point I was told I was a just a week away from my million . I was so excited then after my final deposit I never heard from them again my account was closed . Then a week later I received a cheque for 204 grand I was so.happy so I put it in the bank to find out it was a fake one I cryed for weeks .

  93. Hello Dale. so very relieved and extremely happy that your site came up when I was actually looking for the MBpS site. Had some reservations but wanted to learn more. Thanks to you I will go no further and hope that more vulnerable folk come across your page before they are well and truly scammed.

  94. made minimum deposit and started trading at £25 a trade. Lost first 5 trades, even though I had a 95% confidence rate in all of them. Right up to the expiry of the trades I was winning, then all the trades apparently went the other way. I e-mailed ultimate, they haven’t bothered answering. All I get is look for signals. What signals! All I see is 95% rating. Stay away!

  95. Hello!

    I just signed up and I thought this is amazing hahaha
    I gave my phone number and my email too, and… Someone just called me now, asking my bank details and 250$. Luckily my net is too slow so, I decided to review again there website and search it. I’m so thankful that in found this site which I read all the comments about millionaire blueprints. Thanks god!

  96. Thank goodness I didn’t give my
    Credit card details but they rang me
    And asked me if I was ready to trade
    And to spend $250
    I said no and he said what should we
    Do with your account
    I said cancel it and hung up
    These guys should get exposed now
    Cheat greed and liars
    7th April 2016

  97. It sounds like you are saying it impossible to make money with binary options Dale. Then why is it I know several successful binary traders around the world? Could it be like anything else where it just isn’t for everyone or for people that do not understand trading, charts and options as a business and want to get rich quick?

    • Robin, the problem with binary trading is that it’s nothing more than a gamble. I know there are a lot of successful poker players that have made millions but I would never recommend a friend to spend all of his/her money in a casino trying to make more because chances are it’s not going ot happen unless they are very, very lucky. The same applies with binary trading. You don’t have to take my advice, you can feel free to try it – but I am just trying to help people keep a hold of their money rather than to lose it and fill somebody else’s pockets instead.

  98. Today I was checking out some things online, and all of a sudden a site popped up I wasn’t even looking for. It was the Dutch version of the money scam video. They just keep trying to lure people in. It’s amazing what these people will do to rob you of your money. Well, when something seems to good to be true don’t fall for it.

    • Somethings things that seem too good to be true can actually be true (a lesson I’ve learned) – so don’t always write them off as you may miss a great opportunity, however always exercise great caution!

  99. Learned the hard way but a site like Dale’s need to be known to as much people as I can. That’s my way of doing something about it

  100. I was so naive that I subscribed. But I didn’t pay any money.One of the best ways to invest in shares for ordinary people whith an average income is via your bank. I invested in average risk shares with my bank before the crisis. I didn’t get the foretold profit because of the crisis. I only gained a lesser profit and I didn’t loose any money. By reading this page I also practiced my English, which is also worth a lot.

  101. Hello Dave,thank you for alerting us. My question is, how come some of the brokers that are considered to be trusted become the ones that are connected to these scam softwares. I was nearly scammed because i saw the name of a broker i thought is reliable. I think it is time the law brings down a whip/blacklist brokers that are connected with these scams. I receive so many of these fake adverts every week. I thank God that I am always quick to read reviews before i take any action.

    • The brokers will more than likely be getting away with by claiming they don’t know what’s going on, and what their affiliates are up to… but I’m fairly sure they know exactly what’s going on, especially with some of the hefty paycheques they’ll be handing out to affiliates on a daily/weekly basis.

  102. i am from uganda. when i signed in i immediately received a call asking for $250. i yold them i dont have. the lady pfomised 2 call after 2 weeks 2 see if i have the money. but i am worried that they have my name, phone number and email. hope they do not huck into peoples bank accounts. Dale thanks alot for the info

  103. Hello dale
    I am july from indonesia.when i am signed in they refuse me because money in my account is only 150 usd.thanks for allerting question is why there is many people also get alot of money with doing nothing.

    • I’m not sure where you’re seeing that, but believe me there’s not many people in the world getting money for doing nothing, and if they are then they’re very lucky!

  104. Lol, I put in my details except card details because I choose not to own one 😉 and then some guy from Pakistan phoned me from england asking how much I wanted to deposit. After I told him that I would get a card this week, he said “Ok, I will call you on Friday.” And politely ended the call. Thats when I was positive that it was a scam. When he phones, ill just tell him that I’m lonely and am looking for people to phone me XD P.S THX for the site.

  105. Thanks for saving many, it’s good to know their people out their that can take time to write such useful information. Thanks again

  106. Hi Dale…Thank u so much for saving out behind, I actually gave them my card details but it’s an account that has no money because I wasn’t too sure until I read your review & I said to them I will deposit the money at the end of the month but now I’m gonna write an email to cancel & report my card stolen to make sure…
    Thank u so much!!!

  107. Hi Dale thanks for your advice in this blog it helped me a lot, I’m in south Africa and I have seen this in internet two days before as I wrote this. I gave my email and contact no then I got call from them,I also gave my bank card 16 numbers, my question is they didn’t get any cent in my account, can i go to bank to change my card?

  108. Oh man..I have just registered but stopped for a while to do a little research on it that is when i landed on this…Now guess what..I’m running without looking back. To hell with this Millionaire Bull…

  109. I am from Kenya. just signed in 30 mins ago but luckily i didn’t have enough money in my account…However, I used my fiance’s credit card to fill in although I had written my names there…I received a message saying the credit card had insufficient funds. immediately my phone rang and a woman called shelly Rich was on the other end. what amused me is that she said she was calling from the headquarters, I believe the headquarters are not in Kenya, but how come her number was from kenya….it did not even have any code it was a local number……thanks much for opening my eyes

  110. Hello!! Thank you very much for all the info, veeeery helpfull!!

    I can see in your post that at the end you talk about online marketing being a good (or secure) option. Any recommendations?? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!

    • Have a read around my blog, or run a quick Google search – there’s mountains of information out there explaining how you can get started with online marketing. It’s not going to provide you with overnight riches, but if you put in the work you can certainly build a sustainable income.

  111. Thanks so much Dale. You just saved my ass. I have just created my account today the 27th of May 201 and entered details of a Master Card that didn’t have any cash. Immediately after I received a call from a so called broker who wanted to find out whether the account is funded. I promised to fund the account in six hours and he said he will get back to me when I do so. I thought the deal was too good and decided to Google about Blue Print and I landed on your post. You are heaven sent.

  112. well then! thank you for giving us a heads up. i fell for it too. i gave them money i never even had 🙁 i tried to withdrawl it right away im not sure if that worked . 🙁

  113. If I read messages from other people they are saying on the page u are left with 10 mins to join and only 7 spots available… I’m looking at the dates of which people have commented here some 2015 may etc…. today it’s 04 June 2016 still on the it’s written 10 mins to join and 7 spots. I have signed in within just seconds someone from UK called +44 number and started requesting for card number and told me have R4000 in my account never explain very well how or what is it all about… I just told her to call back on Monday,,, I started doing research about this and come across with blog… Thanks for the advice
    Monday my phone will be off. But she put me off immediately she told me at 4000 when they say it’s free at the begin and I knew from that moment I was not interested anymore

  114. i registered with this site though never deposited have been getting calls twice each day from a uk number. and i was trying to know more about the program. i tried mailing them the email address provided by this guys does not work messages keeps coming back to me. this is one big a scam i believe even if just the support email not working so when you have a problem you are in s***. STAY AWAY.

  115. KEEP AWAY!
    I wish I had read this article 5-7 days ago. I have had to phone + email bank every day since last Wednesday, and it is Monday today.
    Altogether the scammers have taken over £6000 from my bank account, which luckily the bank has now refunded. That doesn’t begin to explain the amount of stress I’ve been under though. As well as having to change my VISA card in the bank, I’ve had an extra deposit of £6000 put into my account! This may sound like a blessing in disguise, but I’ve had to call bank this morning, as they will find out and will take it back and question why I didn’t bring it up with them, possibly closing / threatening to close my account.
    I have been told the security team are investigating and will take back unauthorised money – but this is taking longer than it should.
    You have been warned – KEEP AWAY.

  116. Many people these days get really desperate for money, they see links claiming they could be rich in minutes and get excited, who wouldnt at the thought of being rich? Its articles like this that knock us back into reality, saving us all alot of money, thank you bruva

  117. The very first tip off for me was the fake Facebook comments. Anywhere else, clicking on one brings you to the Facebook profile/homepage photo. Clicking on these fake comments just takes you to the company sign up page. Creepy.

  118. I was about to pay that $250 but i came to realize that it would be reasonable if i could pass through review so as to be sure on the accurate information supplied by them but good enough your article leave no point unturned!! i was about to pay my school fee in hoping i would be getting more money tomorrow! mmm it was a day dream now im awake

  119. Hı Dale,

    İ read your article and I totally agree that the best way to make money online is through online marketing.
    I have my own online marketing website and I work as an affiliate of Amazon. It makes me over $5000 every month.
    It requires working of course. There is no way to make money without investing time and work!
    It is so refreshing to see that there are people like you who tell the truth about these despicable scammers.
    Thanks and have a great day!


  120. Hi all,

    I’m yet another desperate unemployed South African, and when I saw the following article (*link removed*) I thought this system legit.

    However, after watching the video, I had to wonder why “Walter” who’s alledgely worth $48 million, drives a Rolls and owns several mansions, would have such a crappy office!

    Fortunately for me, two minutes of research brought me to your blog. Thanks for you time and effort, Dale, it’s much appreciated.

    Caveat emptor!

    • Hey Andrew, thanks for the comment – I’m glad you managed to dodge it and hold on to your money. I went ahead and removed the link from your post (I hope you don’t mind), I just didn’t want anybody to end up clicking on it & falling for it.

  121. Thanks for this review…lucky for me i didn’t buy their ideas…they say you gotta pay $250 for what? Yeah right…easy money huh?! We’ll I guess people will do anything for an easy money…#notoscammers??

  122. One little tip, if you were in a position to make $millions very easy, would you inform anyone else of your scheme, I DONT THINK SO, Nobody gives a stranger financial help unless there is profit for themselves.
    Reading the reviews on here, it is easy to see that most people that have lost money are the ones who really cannot afford to lose the money, this is what scammers rely on.
    Desperate people make desperate decisions.

    • Hi Tom, I’m sorry but I have to disagree with your comment. Yes there are a lot of scammers and selfish people in the world but there are still some genuine people out there too who would be more than happy to help people without receiving anything in return. I wouldn’t recommend dodging all programs altogether as there are some out there that do work (just like the ones I share on this website), but basically before joining make sure you do your research (and plenty of it).

  123. Hi
    Oh I was about to deposit the $250, i signed up and i received a a call from London but i asked the guy that i see this number is a local number he answered that they entered contract with local telephone companies. But i was worried much and i was asking my self what type of trading is this and just earning a lot of money freely? The guy was calling every day since the day before yesterday but i told him i don’t have visa card give me time to open new account and i will give you the visa card number.But i believe the millionaire blueprint is scam don’t try to put your money you will end up loosing. In life nothing is easy, nothing is cheap and nothing is free..we have to wake up. And before making decision especially deciding depositing money do research first I thank this forum helped me much before i decide any thing

  124. i made an account on it stupidly, it was a video from a guy on facebook and after questioning him he blocked me, now im wondering how to deactivate my account on it

  125. These are clever scammers at millionaire blueprint, they even have there own scam page to tell you it’s not a scam , I always check out these sites and don’t believe any of the money programs out there especially the binary trading scams and not one works, come on how can computer program predict human actions, it’s not possible, this is a good scam , But I’m always wary and always check them out, thanks for your advice , SPOT ON

  126. Hi
    I registered with them today and as soon as I hit “register now” I got a call from London I was told about the fee required I explained to the women that I could not speak at the present time as I was at work she completely ignored me and continued to speak over me I ended the call and have been getting calls from her ever since.

  127. Yes me too. just click register then in a few seconds got call from London…lucky I did not gave her my credit card details because I plan to “investigate” about it first….
    Anyway if they have a very good software, why they did’t do it by themselves????

  128. I had to reply them back and this is what I wrote them, excuse my language but it’s true.

    smell scam mr. If I have $500 bonus why can’t I use that to start trading? If I make money out of that I can continue to invest more cash but I will NOT give you my cc.

    Some people are in need of opportunities and you guys are taking their lasts hopes by taking their last saving and that’s pretty messed up.

  129. Hi Dale…. thanks for the heads up. I’m from South Africa and $250 here is about R3500 so I almost lost a lot of money…. thnx

  130. am from Fiji,I saw Ariadna Vesikula’s article about millionaire blueprint, in here there is no one by that name,so it is definitely a scam…stay out…

  131. Hi

    I was one of the silly ones who joined and deposited £250, I have tried to cash out £200 but it says pending, will they actually pay out or do I say goodbye

    • Hi, whilst I do hope you manage to get your money back I do feel that unfortunately the chances are fairly slim based on what others have said. Who knows though, keep trying & best of luck 🙂

  132. Hi Dale, I’ve read quite a few of your articles on this subject and it’s great to get to the truth of the matter, before making a stupid decision. You mention at he end of this one that there are better ways to getting into trading investments online and that it’s not too difficult to learn how. Can you recommend how one would go about doing that? I’m eager to learn, but don’t know where to start. Thanks

  133. Hi Dale,

    I was looking into Millionaire Blue Print and noticed your review. Incredibly, your’s seems to be one of too few.

    I do have one very interesting connection about the website you just exposed. I too expose online scams so I would like to share this connection with you and perhaps you may want to include it in your article here – its OK if not.

    So, have you ever heard of MLC247 (mylifechange247)? OK, George Mckifiri AKA Olsen Larson, Freddo Kams used their website, which was just a Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme, to scam millions of Rands out of people in South Africa and beyond.

    Point being, should you go a head and type in the url for MLC, it is REDIRECTING to milblueprint!! As we know, only the owner of a site can do such a thing and would be very interested in learning what you think on this matter. Should you require further data on MLC247 then you are welcome to go to my website and and type it in to the search bar to your right.

    They also own several other websites which I exposed and I would be more than happy to share such research to further expose them.

    Great Article Dale and I know anyone that signs up with you will definitely have an excellent chance of making a full time income online.

    Hope to hear from you soon,


    • Hi, thanks for the comment & insight. I hadn’t previously heard of MLC247 but I will definitely take a further look into it. It’s common for these types of scams to just redirect onto something else when they shut up shop – I’ve seen it happening several times before with other programs. Many years after the scams close people will be still clicking through the several thousands of promotions that were put out on the web to draw people in so they’ll just use these redirects to funnel people through to their latest schemes. Many of these old binary scams are now redirecting through to the Bitcoin Code program as that seems to be one of the most well-pushed scams at the moment (hardly surprising with many new people trying to make a fortune off the back of crypto).

  134. The picture used is definitely not Ethnic Fijian. The name “Vesikula” is a respected name and THERE IS NO ONE by that name in “Vagadaci”. Con artists should be investigated and locked up for a long time. Confiscate and sell all belongings and the victims should be compensated by these corrupt organizations.

  135. The Millionaires Blueprint Scamis legit, because nobody offers luring benefits without any reason. So its necessary to go through financial reviews before investing your money in any schemes.


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